Sunday, April 20, 2008

You can be famous too...

You know that on Wikipedia you can find biographies about celebreties... However not all people are allowed to have their biographies there ofcource...

It's not like facebook, linkedIn... because these only allow the user to edit their profile, but with Biographicon everybody's allowed to edit your biography...

What are you waiting for start searching for people, or try to write your own Biography....


Media and New Technologies said...

who cares about my life anyway.people search for people that are already famous...

Jana & Crystal said...

Trust me Rawane this thing can become like facebook. for instance all your friends can add funny incidents that happened n ur life... personally i think its a great idea. plus y should a celebrity b more imp. than u i mean we are all human:P

dana & Marwan! said...

good one Jana! This is realy intresting imagine how fun this is going to be when one day u open ur own bio. and find someone else wrote sth that happend in KG for example. Good job Jana :)

Jana & Crystal said...

Thanx Dana!!!
I didnt think about the memories, that would b gr8 actually...
Glad u liked it!