November 2007, a fake account on MySpace was created by Lori Drew and her daughter to harass a 13 year old, Megan Meier. Drew, who lived 2 blocks away from the Meier’s, decided to supervise the account by the name “Josh Evans” to bully Megan for she had an on off friendship with her daughter. It was a kind of “getting back” at Megan which ended tragically… Meier had ADD as well as psychological problems. She was fat and she had troubles coping with the world around. I still remember how I was when I was a teenager and we all knew how much hard it is to feel that you belong and being over weight didn’t help Megan at all!!!!
So Josh Evans was showing Megan that he cares for her and she found him “HOT” as he mother said so she used to rush home everyday to communicate with him using MySpace. However; one day Josh started being really mean to Megan… and the last message was that he thinks the world would be better without her!!!
These mean words really hurt the 13 year old and she ended up hanging herself in the closet. After the dreadful suicide, a lady who was another neighbor to the Meier’s, asked to meet them and told them that her daughter was present sometime while Lori and her daughter were sending her messages on MySpace; she told them that her daughter received a call from Lori to tell her that something bad happened and she shouldn’t mention the account… The lady was sorry that her daughter didn’t tell her earlier but she thought it was ok since a trusted adult was allowing it…
The problem is that till now they are trying to accuse Drew of harassing a teenager but there is no such thing in law as “cyber bullying”. Now they’re trying to reopen the case by accusing Lori Drew of not abiding the rules of MySpace, since she created a fake account… But till now Drew is still not penalized for attacking an innocent 13 year old…
I guess the misuse of social networks can be fatal sometimes… And some people are sick and creative enough to commit such obscene actions!!!
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